Sunday 3 August 2014


Virgin to this blogging-life, so give me a break as I indulge into a world of culture, politics, travelling and outpouring of thoughts from this 'big-tiny' mind of mine.


To introduce myself, I am a 19 year old adolescent making my way through life studying history and politics in the UK. To say the least, I was brought up in a manner to understand and keep in-touch with my Kurdish culture yet integrate it within European culture... and because of thaaat, my not-so-professional opinions will be here, there and everywhere. 

Here goes nothing: I consider myself an open-minded person with this little light of mine...and I'm finna let it shine (and so I will not excuse myself from dropping Kanye's lyrics in) which I call my brain. Politics is what surrounds us and what determines our future, whether you have no interest in it or it simply aggravates you, you can't deny that daily occurrences you see on TV don't touch a nerve, or in my case... beat my nerves to the ground. 
Kurdistan and the mere thought of an independent Kurdistan is in almost every Kurdish persons blood-flow; the current borders are large logs that every Kurd, and certainly Pêshmerga, are pushing, shoving and assaulting back into an area that once oppressed us. 

Before I finish, I need to make clear that if I de-rail into a heated/bitter/infuriated teen it shall only be for a short while.
The day you can send me a link of an honest politician who voices his true opinion, will be the day I no longer react to this world's hideous wars, violences and waves of oppression.  


  1. You forgot to say you're fit as, And you have the world's best friend, its okay I forgive you xx
